ASPA offers a broad range of opportunities for organizations to advertise their programs, products, services and platforms to its members. Just a few include:
  • Advertising through email platforms: The Bridge and PA TIMES Online all offer advertising opportunities, putting your brand in front of more than 10,000 recipients.
  • Magazine advertising: PA TIMES magazine , printed quarterly each year, provides opportunities for quarter- half- and full-page ads, putting your brand in front of more than 6,000 subscribers.
  • Web advertising: put your brand on this site for a premium rate! Run-of-site ads get your brand in front of the more than 25,000 unique visitors monthly. Or, advertise on and be seen by more than 30,000 unique visitors.
  • Advertising through our news e-digest: The ASPA News Digest, distributed by Multiview, is electronic and offers special opportunities to advertising to ASPA members and beyond. Access MultiView's media kit for more information about this unique avenue.

Click here or on the box below to download our media kit.

ASPA Member List Advertising

ASPA works with our advertising partners to assist clients with getting their message out to the broader ASPA membership. If you'd like to explore this option, please contact us and we will be happy to provide more information.