Check out news from across public administration below. To find more information, visit our Bridge archives. If you have news you don't see anywhere, send it to us so we can include it!

  • SECoPA Call for Proposals
    The 2024 SECoPA will take place September 18-21 in Memphis at the University of Memphis. The theme will be "Transforming Public and Nonprofit Governance: Shaping Sustainable Communities for Tomorrow," highlighting the need for innovative approaches in designing, implementing and evaluating public and nonprofit programs to address the complex challenges of our rapidly changing world. It calls for the exploration of strategies that promote sustainable development, foster social and ecological well-being, and ensure effective governance for the benefit of present and future generations. The conference aims to encourage participants to share research, insights, and best practices that contribute to the transformation of public and nonprofit governance systems and the creation of resilient, inclusive, and sustainable communities. The deadline has passed but conference organizers are still seeking proposals for a few tracks. Click here for more information.

  • PPMR Special Issue Call for Proposals
    Public Performance Management and Review (PPMR) is seeking proposals for a special issue: "Having our cake and eating it too: Exploring the Links between Fairness and Performance." Editors are Kaifeng Yang (Rutgers University—Newark) and Ellen Rubin (SUNY Albany). Can government operate in a manner that exhibits both high procedural and distributive fairness and high performance? We often present fairness and performance as a tradeoff: Fair procedures and inclusion take time and may not result in the most streamlined or cost efficient "solutions" but they may serve to build buy-in and increase the degree to which government decisions are viewed as legitimate. The goal of this special issue is to empirically evaluate the relationship between fairness and performance. We welcome papers for this special issue exploring the fairness-performance connection that are empirical or theory-building, and quantitative or qualitative. The conception of fairness should be theoretically informed, and explorations at the micro-, meso-, or macro-level are welcome. Proposals are due August 1. Contact the editors for more information.

  • NECoPA Call for Proposals
    The 2024 Northeast Conference on Public Administration (NECoPA) will be NECoPA’s 15th year of bringing together scholars and practitioners from the northeast region, the United States and internationally. Taking place in person at Pace University in Manhattan, this year's theme is "Building a Flexible Public Service through Innovation and Collaboration." The concept recognizes the advancements in digital technology as well as the intersectoral and interdisciplinary collaborations in addressing wicked public service problems while advocating for and protecting our democracy. Topic areas include but are not limited to: innovation and technology in public service; financial management and budgeting; diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in public service; public service education; and performance management and program evaluation. Proposals will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis. All proposals are due by August 19, 2024. Click here for more information.

  • Call for Papers: Public Works Management and Policy
    Public Works Management and Policy (PWMP) seeks novel manuscripts that connect core public administration theory (including policy and management) with modern challenges in the realm of public works. This includes relevant research from all subfields of public administration, including budgeting and finance, human resource management, performance management, policy change, policy analysis and so on, provided that it 1) connects to a core body of public administration or policy theory, and 2) is aligned substantively with the public works management focus of the journal. Recent developments in technology and governance lead to a broadening interpretation of public works management that includes traditional, novel and hybrid foci. For example, papers might examine core public management or policy challenges surrounding: transportation infrastructure, including: roads, bridges, ports, airports, rail, intermodal shipping, parks and recreation and others; utilities, including: water, sewer, waste management, telephone, cellular and internet availability and connectivity; economic development, including: industrial parks, urban redevelopment such as tax increment finance districts, or higher education capacity building; capital construction projects such as schools, libraries, prisons and jails, government offices and military installations. Each of these topics is germane to PWMP’s focus, and when addressing core conceptual questions, is welcome to be submitted for consideration. Articles we are especially interested in publishing are those that address salient and timely questions about current and emerging problems, those that examine new and innovative forms of infrastructure and their use, adaptations of existing infrastructure to new uses, and the integration of infrastructure with the softer side of government—how it is used and how it affects governance for the better or for the worse. Click here for more information.

ASPA News and Alerts

ASPA's The Bridge - July 17, 2024

Posted on 7/17/2024
Making New Friends

ASPA's The Bridge - June 26, 2024

Posted on 6/26/2024
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ASPA's The Bridge - June 12, 2024

Posted on 6/12/2024
Happy Equity Month!

ASPA's The Bridge - May 22, 2024

Posted on 5/22/2024
New Tools and Resources

ASPA's The Bridge - May 8, 2024

Posted on 5/8/2024
It's Public Service Recognition Week!