SESAME Elections

On behalf of Dr. Khaldoun AbouAssi (SESAME Chair), SESAME Executive Committee and the SESAME Nomination Committee, the Section is soliciting nominations for the positions of SESAME Treasurer and At-Large Member. We respectfully ask all SESAME members in good standing to consider nominating themselves or others they may deem eligible and qualified for either position. The Treasurer’s term will begin March 2017 and conclude March 2019 and the At-Large Member terms will start March 2017 and conclude March 2018. If a nominee is not already a SESAME member, s/he must become a SESAME member within 30 days of assuming office. A nominee must also be a member of ASPA.

Nominations for SESAME Treasurer should include a brief bio and statement of nomination indicating the position to which you are being nominated

Nominations for SESAME At-Large Members should include a brief bio and statement of nomination indicating the position to which you are being nominated

  • Nomination period: Monday, December 19, 2016 – January 21, 2017
  • Send nominations to: Khaldoun AbouAssi at: [email protected]
  • Nomination Committee: Deborah Trent, John Steven Ott and Khaldoun AbouAssi
  • Election period: first week of February 2017